If you loved:
Raising a Teenager: A Crash Course in Decoding and Reconnecting AND the Two Bonus Workshops

Get Lifetime Access!

Not only do you get lifetime access to 

Raising a Teenager: A Crash Course in Decoding and Reconnecting

You also get lifetime access to:

Boundaries Masterclass:  Setting Limits & Boundaries That Work! 


Surviving Life With a Strong-Willed Tween or Teen


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This is what you'll get:

Cracking the Code: The Why Behind The Disconnect

Understanding The Adolescent Brain: Discover the latest research on how their brains are developing and how it affects their behavior, emotions, and decision-making.

Understanding Their World: See things from your child's perspective and gain empathy for the challenges they face.

Decoding The  Silence and Sighs - Why What We’re Not Hearing Is Really The Problem

Identify and avoid common pitfalls that unintentionally push your teen away, and learn how to replace them with trust-building approaches.

Transform silence into connection: Understand why your teen withdraws and discover strategies to get your tween or teen to open up. 

Learn how to create a safe space for open communication, free from judgment, where they feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and feelings even during difficult conversations.

The Keys To Open The Door To Better Communication with Your Tween or Teen


Discover the keys: What to do and say that will build trust and turn communication around in your home for good.

Transform your relationship into the one you have always dreamed of and create a peaceful and joyful home.

Get these bonuses:

Boundaries Masterclass: Setting Limits and Boundaries That Work


Questions answered in this workshop:

"Just this am my son was going to be late for school so I was basically yelling at him not to miss the bus. Well, he definitely resisted and missed the bus. So I had to drive him to school. What would be a better way to approach this?"

"How do I respond to my daughter who just won’t take no for an answer? She just keep pushing and pushing, even though I never back down. It’s almost as if she just likes to argue with me sometimes. It’s super frustrating and I end up yelling and then she gets upset with me that I’m yelling at her."

"What do I do when I go to her room, start a sentence she doesn’t like, and she tells me to get out of her room before I get my sentence out? I get so triggered!"

"How do I deal with backtalk, eyeball rolling, ignoring, insulting comments, and comparing to other parents?"

and there were so many more!

Surviving Life With a Strong-Willed Tween or Teen

Jen Kehl shared her deeply personal journey of raising her strong-willed son Isaiah. Her honesty was comforting to so many of you as she shared her painful struggles—his angry, sometimes violent outbursts, relentless badgering, and the helplessness and loneliness she felt. 

Jen expressed the weight of judgment she felt from both her family and fellow moms, feeling a profound sense of isolation, believing no one would understand her struggles.

Jen shares in this interview:

  • What she was doing that was making things worse.
  • What she started doing that transformed their relationship and improved Isaiah's behavior. 
  • Words of encouragement and reassurance that we all need to hear. She shares how he is thriving today.

Lifetime Access to our 3 Part Workshop Plus Bonus Workshops.

That's 5 workshops!!


Raising a Teenager: a Crash Course in Decoding and Reconnecting

3 Workshops under one topic!

  • Unlocking: Understanding the Teen Brain
  • Decoding: Learn when to speak and when to listen so that they will talk to you.
  • Keys: Transform your relationship!



Boundaries Masterclass: Setting Limits and Boundaries That Work

Sheryl explains how so many of our parenting struggles are a result of having unclear boundaries. She walks you through the process of recognizing your missing boundaries and what to do about it! 


Surviving Life With a Strong-Willed Tween or Teen

Jen shares in this interview:

  • What she was doing that was making things worse.
  • What she started doing that transformed their relationship and improved Isaiah's behavior. 
  • Words of encouragement and reassurance that we all need to hear. She shares how he is thriving today.



Pring your workbook before the workshop starts to help you follow along so there is no need to take notes. That way you can pay attention to the teaching!

I want lifetime access!

*No thanks, just put me on the waitlist.


About Sheryl Gould

Sheryl Gould is a parenting expert focusing on tweens and teens. Host of the Moms of Tweens and Teens Podcast, she is also the author of “SOS! The Technology Guidebook for Parents of Tweens and Teens: Get The Answers You Need, Keep Them Safe and Enjoy Your Kids Again” and her soon to be released book, “You’re Not Crazy, You’re Not A Bad Parent, and No Your Teen Really Doesn’t Hate You.”

She is the founder of Moms of Tweens and Teens, an international organization supporting moms to grow in their self-awareness, become more effective parents, and build stronger connections with their adolescents and families.

Sheryl is a master at providing simple, practical tools, backed by solid research and real-life stories that will help you understand your adolescents on a deeper level. She teaches how to communicate so one can start building real connections, love, and trust; in order to raise emotionally healthy, happy, and responsible adults.


Have a resource library of 5 amazing workshops to go back to again and again!

I want lifetime access!

"I feel so much more equipped to handle the challenges of raising a teen boy. We actually have meaningful conversations now!"

Andrea G.

"This course helped me understand my daughter's behavior isn't personal. It's just her figuring things out! Knowing why they act the way they do has made me so much more patient."

Amy R.